Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Review On New League of Legends Content

Yes, Season One is here and the new League of Legends content went online today. As promised, I am here to give you guys my take on it. The first thing you will notice is the new interface, starting with the sign-in screen. Instead of the original sign-in screen, you will now see Ryze and Katrina and a fairly aesthetically pleasing backdrop. After signing in you will notice that everything about the new interface is different. To me, it may take some getting used to. I like it, but I'm not used to seeing it like that. Now when you click the play button, you will have more options than before. You can do a normal game or a ranked game, and then you have the option to enter matchmaking or use an arranged team. This option I like a lot. Now instead of playing with whoever I am matched with, I can choose to play with friends in an arranged game. I think this, plus the increased penalties on leavers and afkers, is a great solution to these uneven and handicapped games that plague LoL. Now, besides those new features, I also decided to try the new character, Xin Zhao. I played two games on Twisted Treeline and here's what I gathered:

1. He has a good attack strength.
2. As he gets up in level his health increases quite a bit (though not nearly as much as a well-fed Cho'gath).
3. His Audacious Charge ability is good for stopping and killing champions that are trying to flee.

I like the way this champion plays and he fits my style fairly well. I would say that he is a great DPS champion with decent skills; one of my only complaints with this champion is that I don't find his ultimate ability to be incredibly useful. It is just a basic AoE attack and may come in handy for killing swarms of minions or in large group battles but will definitely not be a game changer. What I am going to try to do here in the next couple of games is develop a build for him as well as what I think an ideal team for him to play on would be and I may or may not post it to the blog, depending on the amount of requests I have for it. With the release of Xin Zhao they also released two new skins for him. One is the Commando skin which is a more modernized look for him and it really reminds me of how Arnold Schwarzenegger looked in the movie predator. The other is the Imperial skin (which is shown in the above picture and is my favorite so far). This concludes my quick review on LoL's newest content. As I delve more and more into the new content I will continue to update this post and keep my readers informed. Good luck and happy hunting!


  1. That basically sums it all up for Zin Zhao. His "Q" skill is also quite the tiresome to deal with. Late game, he is an unstoppable monster. Also, yeah his commando skin does look pretty cool :D!

  2. After I got a few games under my belt I began to realize what a true powerhouse Xin Zhao is endgame. He is a beast in 5 vs 5 endgame and I am currently fine tuning my build for him to make him as unstoppable as possible. I may post it up here shortly.
